Modify the Text of Verification Emails to Workers
The text of verification emails sent to workers can be customized for your county. There are two versions of the message:
- ElectionWorkVerifyNew.txt—sent when no verification was previously done.
- ElectionWorkVerifyUpdate.txt—sent to workers with a previously verified email and you are asking them to reverify their address.
Both versions are stored in I:\Vr6Sharedbinaries.
Supervisor of Elections office
If you are this person and you wish to receive Email notifications from our office regarding your relationship with us as {Relationship}, then please verify your email address by visiting the web site link shown below.
If you are not this person, or you do not wish to receive Email notifications from our office, or you wish to verify your email address with us over the phone, please contact our office.
To verify your Email Address, just click this link or copy it to your Web Browser's Address bar and press 'Enter'.
The Supervisor of Elections office
Our records indicate that you last verified this email address with our office on {Verify_Date}.
If you are this person and you wish to continue to receive Email notifications from our office regarding your relationship with us {Relationship}, then please verify your email address by visiting the web site link shown below.
If you are not this person, or you do not wish to receive Email notifications from our office, or you wish to verify your email address with us over the phone, please contact our office.
To verify your Email Address, just click this link or copy it to your Web Browser's Address bar and press 'Enter'
Notice that the text contains several tags—denoted by curly brackets ( { } )—which are replaced in the outgoing message with the information described in the table below. If you retype a tag, be sure to enter it exactly as noted here. The underline characters, where present, are required; and the tags are case-sensitive.
Tag |
Replaced by |
{SOE} |
your county name |
{Person_Name} |
the worker's name |
{Verify_Date} |
the date when the worker's email address was previously verified |
{Relationship} |
the text "as an Election Worker" |
{Email_Link} |<parameters identifying the worker> |
{Salutation} |
the text "Regards, Election Worker Department, <your county name> Supervisor of Elections" |